Boat Building season is back
The problem about posting after a long web absence is:where to start? I should start with where have we been? Still here. What have we been doing? Hibernating should …
The problem about posting after a long web absence is:where to start? I should start with where have we been? Still here. What have we been doing? Hibernating should …
Not much progress on the boat these past couple weeks, but I figured I should still check in on the blogging. As planned, Mark, Marley and I went for …
So I said it, I’m ready to be done with the boat building and get sailing. Unfortunately, we’re not there yet and as I am not keen on giving …
What a long week… Last Saturday we were starting the sandblasting and painting under the deck of the main compartment, nine days later I am typing this from Brittany, …
This evening, I’m quite cozy on front of the wood stove with Mack-a-pousse purring on my lap, Murphy is laying on front of the fire and Marley curled on …
We are finally done painting our bow section..oouff…but that’s only a little part of the whole, we have to keep going. We are sandblasting and painting the boat in …
The blasting of the bow started in our gigantic integral sewage tank. That started on Thursday the 27th of August. It seemed to start well, but we soon noticed …
It’s simply too hot to do anything today so I must as well write some more. I realized I didn’t make any mention of how we prepared the boat …
Humm….my last post wasn’t much of an update on our project status. We decided to start the sandblasting and painting process even though conditions are not ultimate, but now …
The past few weeks I have been working on all those little details that need to be finalized before sandblasting and painting the interior of the boat: tabs, threw …